About Me
Here’s where I’m supposed to write something that conveys my artistic sensibility and makes me sound effortlessly cool. But, in reality, I'm not that cool (as no doubt you’ll discover!) and nothing worthwhile is done without effort.
So, I'll just tell you. I'm a photographer. I'm a mother, a wife, a friend, a long term expat, a lover of dosa, an artist, a human with a heart of gratitude beneath my ribs.
I love kids. I love families. I love hearts that move and grow together, expanding and strengthening through the ordinary joys and troubles of being a human.
I love to watch the beauty that exists in you, between you, around you. I’d really like it if I could show it to you.
Working with Me
I’ve been making photographs my whole life, and creating family portraits since 2014.
A client of mine wrote a blog post about what it’s like working with me. It’s probably better to hear from her than from me. ;) You can read the whole post here.
“I realize now that I really needed this. I needed to be reminded about my worth. I needed to see my life from someone else’s eyes. I needed to feel beautiful not because of a number on the scale, but because it’s there. In me. In my family. In their smiles and in the moments and in our connection. All those things that are so easy to forget.”
I'd love to tell your story. I’d love to bear witness to your beauty. I'd love to chat. I'd love to grab a coffee. I'd love to answer your questions about, photography, being an expat, or where to find the best dosas in KL. Get in touch here or just email me. ericaknecht@gmail.com