"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."
Stella: She had a good week! I let her take Thursday off from school, and that made a big difference, I think.
Hugo: He got another round of injections this week. Poor boy.
Do you ever go through periods where you are totally inspired by your photography? I mean, first of all, isn't it kind of presumptuous to say, HEY! I'm inspired by myself, but let's just leave that for a moment. I took a look at my pictures this week, and felt an overwhelming deluge of meh. Nothing was really interesting, lovely, emotive, or really shot with much thought.
Perhaps, this is because I had been investing all my creative energy into building this website? Or maybe I'm just a little (okay, a lot) sleep deprived? Whatever it is I hope next week to bring back some heart.
Linking up with Jodi.