Hugo {Five Months}


I wasn't sure if I should continue with these posts on this new blog. I mean, I did make a big deal about how this was something new, something more me, something less mother- expat- baby-focued. But then again, I thought yes. I enjoy writing these. I enjoy looking back and remembering these months of this first year. And I thought, I'd like to. And so that's reason enough to continue. So, let's take a step back in time, shall we? Here's Hugo at five months; I wrote this post way back then, but, um, yeah. (PS, he's now eight months old, and holy cow.)

Hugo’s fifth month was pretty major. I mean, he did just travel 9855 miles this month, visit three countries, and meet his Papa for the first time. You know, no biggie.


I’m not entirely sure how big Hugo is these days. Perhaps a doctor’s visit is in order? (Actually one is.) I can confirm, however, from the ache in my back and the crick in my hip, that he’s heavy. 


Hugo’s learning all about life in America. Many of these lessons are not that easily won. For example, carseats: he’s learning how to sit in them and not feel like the world is about to end. And grass: it will not eat you. Papa: it’s okay to let that old guy hold him, and if he’s lucky, he might eve get to watch some F1 racing.

In other more mundane baby-related skills:

Hugo’s learning to reach for toys that are juuuuust beyond his chubby wing span. 

He’s saying more interesting things, including such crackers as “ay ya!” and “ga!” and the occasional “thbffft”.

He’s learning to bang toys to make lovely, wonderful noisy noise.


Hugo is officially an upright baby. Sitting up is the best milestone, in my opinion. He can sit unassisted for, like, ages and ages. He’ll take the occasional tumble, though, particularly if reaching for something, as I discovered the other morning when head met hardwood floor. But he can sit, pick up and manipulate toys, and be generally happy hanging out looking at the world from a vertical perspective. 

Along with sitting comes high chairs. And it is, like, such an improvement to my quality of life to be able to eat a meal without a baby in my lap. 


We have momentum. Officially. The other morning, I put Hugo down on the floor, sitting, with a few toys. I turned my attention to help Stella build a tower, and then looked back at Hugo, and he was a meter away from where I left him. So. He can move. On his bottom. Backwards. 

He also kind of rolled over from front to back the other day. But he’s not really officially rolling yet. 


Breastmilk and the occasional formula bottle. My supply took a nose dive when I got ANOTHER round of food poising this month. But it’s back now. So, happy diaper days for a few more days till I introduce solid food. 


Continues to be medium. The standard nightime program is bed at 6 pm, two to three night wakings and up at 6 am. Naps are easy and plentiful. Three a day. Minimum. About ever two to three hours. And there’s no fuss involved. Dummy. Mouth. Bed. Zzzzzz.

HOWEVER, we do go through waves of sleep regressions which make me like 60 percent zombi. But we are nowhere near the level of awful that was my first born’s sleep, so I don’t really mind. 


Hair and eye colour are changing. His eyes are going darker, maybe a greenish / hazel situation? While hair is going lighter? A honey gold? Let’s stay tuned for more thrilling updates from hair watch 2014.


His sister. His blankie. His dummy. The big kids. Attention. Games of chilook-ba! (peek-a-boo in Indonesian). Chilook-ba is totally the best, and he’ll laugh and laugh and laugh. When he’s in his carseat wailing away, all his sister has to do is say chi look ba and he’ll smile, which, given his avowed hatred for the carseat, is testament to both how much he loves his sister, and how much he loves that game.  


Carseats. So much.


I love an upright baby. I may have mentioned that before? As soon as a baby can sit up, they grow happier, somehow. Like now they’re a real proper human in the world who can do things and manipulate toys and sit and converse and join the family at the table and junk. It’s pretty great. I’m also super into this happy, smily, easygoing little person who loves his sister more than anything, and doesn’t mind  a little puppy in his face. 

And now for some pictures:

This post was inspired by Jordan of Berlin by the Bay and her documentation of baby Berlin.

 Month One

Month Two

Month Three

Month Four