Something New
Over the past several weeks, I've been pouring my energy into something exciting. Well, exciting for me, at least.
I've been holed up in a little cafe, drinking coffee, sorting through pictures, and building a brand new website. And guys, I'm so excited.
2014 was a year of growth for me. I spent a great deal of time and energy working on myself, and figuring out what I want to get out of this wonderfully ordinary life of mine. I've long been wrestling with the idea of how to create an identity, how to feel fulfillment, and how to carve out a sense of autonomy.
In the past I've felt quite limited by my husband's ever-moving job. It's difficult for me to build an identity outside of mother and wife when we must move every few years, and often it is impossible for me to work in whatever country we currently call home. I'm dependant on his visa, on his paycheck, on where his company decides we should live. A traditional, linear career progression is made impossible by movement, and often by visa regulations.
Each time we pull up our roots, and move on to the next adventure, I must rebuild myself in a new context. I must learn a new system of cultural norms, build a new social network for me and my children, figure out where to get chia seeds, and shoes that fit, and the shortest way to school, and the best grocery store, and and and.
Which is not to say that I'm unhappy about the life we lead. In many ways, I'm amazed by how wonderful this adventure is. Still, having a sense of autonomy and independence is important to me. Really important to me.
For a while, I've been casting around, looking for something that I can carry with me, something that brings me joy and fulfillment and identity outside wife and mother. Something that is not necessarily dependant on place.
Last year, I came to a decision that the thing for me was photography. I love it. It brings me joy, feeds my need for creativity, makes me feel productive, and gives me a sense of identity. And, even better, through photography, I can build a small income, giving myself a little space to be autonomous.
So, for all these reasons, I feel like this is totally major. It's here. My new photography website. Up and running, and I am so glad.
And, PS, if you're looking for a Jakarta-based family photographer, ummmmm, I'd looooove to shoot for you!