

"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2015."

Stella: We went to Bali this week, and as usual, you wanted to spend every moment you by the water. You ran on the beach, chasing waves, you went out in a fishing boat watching dolphins and were brave as anything. You finally mastered the waterslide, showing no fear at all. You went down on your own, not even needing me to catch you at the end.

Hugo: We went to bali this week, and as usual, you wanted to spend ever moment NOT touching the sand. However, a big breakthrough came at the end of the week, wherein you actually agreed to walk on the beach! Granted you were wearing shoes, but still. This was a big deal. While you are decidedly against sand, you do love the water, and you wanted to spend every moment in the pool. You showed no fear at the water slide, and were fairly convinced you could swim (you can not) which made for a fairly busy holiday for me keeping an eagle eye on you.