"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2015."
Stella: Has started talking in "abreevs." Last night, she asked me, "Can I tap on your compude?" and I was like, yes. Type away on my computer. That is totally fine. And, for the record, abrevees are totally what's up in my books.
Hugo: Has started to talk in bahasa Indonesia? He's been pointing at things and saying "ma!" or "mao" which sounds a lot like mau, or want.
Week eleven was fairly good to us. Nothing exciting happened at all, which, let's be real, is sometimes the way we like it. I did a lot of work. The kids did a lot of playing. There was an accidental three hour nap in there that resulted in a super late bedtime, but otherwise high fives all around for a simple, easy week.
Also, can I just say, my children have THE best eyes? Yeah they do.
Linking up with Jodi.