
With back-to-back sick kids, we haven't had the opportunity to spend much time outside this past week. The kids were finally feeling well enough to venture outdoors for a bit of a play, so once the lazy heat of midday began to evaporate, we went down to the rooftop garden for a bit of a play. Hugo chased around a ball with a couple of the neighbour boys, and I played a bit with my camera.

I'm exploring freelensing right now. It's something new and fresh. (For me, at least, I am like, probably the last photographer on the internet to give this a whirl.) The last couple of months have been kind of difficult? Question mark? I mean, beyond the rats (are you getting tired of talking about the rats? Because sorry. Actually, not that sorry. I will be talking about this for ever.) But just, well, trying to figure out some life stuff. It's been a period of growing, and sometimes growing can be painful. 

In times like this I find that my creativity suffers. I lose energy for focusing and composing and thinking creativity. I hate everything I make. Injecting a new technique or a new tool, that can really help to beat back the despondency. So, an hour or so outdoors, a bit of playing around with my camera, well, that was just the thing I needed.

So, maybe a bit more experimenting is in order?