

"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016."

Stella: You started your new school this week. On your second day of school, we all walked you to the bus. You were so excited about the idea of riding the bus like a big kid, but as the bus pulled up and we ushered you forward, your little lip quivered, and you tried to bravely hold back tears. You got on anyway. You reported to me that you sobbed silently for a few minutes, but you did okay. You got to school, found your classroom, and did it all in a language you don't even yet understand. I'm so proud of you.

Hugo: On your last morning in Indonesia, you were totally out of sorts. You really are sad about this big change, and it's no wonder. This is your home, and there are so many people here who love you. When we left the hotel that night, you were sort of shell shocked,  not wanting to say goodbye to anyone. But as we were about to pull away in the taxi, the gravity of what was happening hit you, and you lept up, and waved at the window, "BYE BYE IBU." So we stopped the car and you had one last cuddle with your beloved Ibu Vera. 

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