

"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016."

Stella: I kept you home from summer camp this week. You said that you wanted to stay home spend time with your brother. Secretly, I'm glad I agreed. It is nice to have the break, and I've been enjoying walking around the city with you two. Especially since almost every adventure involves an ice cream. Although I will say, that time at home has allowed you to explore a bit more than I'd like. Case in point: that time you decided to give your brother a hair cut. 

Hugo: You sure are a clown. You're cracking bum-bum jokes at every opportunity. And then you giggle, and cover your mouth with your chubby toddler hands. I kind of love it.

I'm starting to think I missed out a week somewhere in this project.  I have a inkling that I should be on week 31, but I'm not? Question mark? I suppose that's what happens when I am completely inconsistent with my posting here on this blog and take extended six-week hiatuses. Anyway, we'll just keep posting along this schedule and see where we end up at the end of the year? Fingers crossed?