In which I both travel back in time and completely destroy the premise of this entire project. ENJOY!

Oh boy. Is this project even worth continuing? I can hardly get my act together enough to shoot it, let alone POST. And yet, I solder on because beneath my cool exterior, I'm a sentimental little snowflake and want to preserve in digital amber my wee ones' tender childhoods. 

These are from our time in Europe at the end of last year. Lyra was post surgery and we had some time to kill between doctors' visits and went to see our friends in Belgium. I didn't necessarily take these pictures on the hour. And if truth be told, I think some of them are actually from the 11th. But let's just go ahead and post them anyway.

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Instead of my usual hourly breakdown of the images, here's the general narrative arch (because I can't be bothered to do the time zone conversion that my camera's metadata failed to do.)

We got up early in the morning and left our hotel in London, but before that, we did leave a lovely trail of croissant crumbs behind. We made our way down to St. Pancras Station where we got our train to Belgium. We arrived shortly after lunch time in Antwerp, which is a really interesting city. I stayed with my lovely friend Emily who incidentally is probably my most blogged about friend? Anyway, we've known each other since we were babies in the adult world; newly married and newly moved to Asia. Now we have seven (!!!!) children between the two of us, and about 10 years expat living under our belts.

The babies were pretty wary of each other at first, but Lyra soon became so excited to be around other kids. We hung out a bit, and then went out for a bit of a walk where I fell in love with the beautiful contrast between grit, and baroque gilded gleam with a dash of rad art deco sprinkled in there.

Antwerp is a really lovely city. The town square and old quarter are absolutely worth a visit. I was expecting a pedestrian European city, but was really happily surprised to find that it is really artistic and designy, full of great little shops, beautiful murals, and lovely markets. I really enjoyed my time there, and can't wait to go back and see it under leaf and sun.